Petunia hybrida grandiflora nana
Brand: Cerny
Packaged:10 s.
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Ex Tax: 0.80€
Petunia hybrida grandiflora nana "Touha" F1.
Great for window boxes and containers.
A superbly beautiful cultivar that generates many purple-red flowers with radial streaks from the dark center.
Height 40 cm.
Flowers with a diameter of 9-10 cm.
Seeds in granules!
In order to facilitate the sowing and growing of small-seeded crops, a system has been developed to coat each seed with a special composition.
When moisture gets on the granule, the shell crumbles.
Sowing: February-April for seedlings.
The granules are placed on the surface of slightly compacted and moist soil (without covering them).
Moisten from a spray bottle, cover with glass and keep at a temperature of + 20 + 24 ° C, preventing the pellet and compost shell from drying out until the seedlings germinate, periodically removing condensate drops from the glass surface.
Seedlings appear only in the light (excluding direct sunlight) for 10-15 days.
After the appearance of the first true leaf, the crops are aired and then the glass is removed, gradually reducing the temperature to + 14 + 16 ° С.
Petunia seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging.
The hardened seedlings are planted in the ground after the end of spring frosts at a distance of 50-75 cm.
Care: grows best in well-lit places with light, fertile soil. Responds gratefully to watering and regular feeding.
Flowering: from June to the very frost.

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